Thursday, March 31, 2005
Random Rants
Michelle's blog at One very very green monster. Tada.
Secondly, Vietnam trip more of less confirmed. Sheesh. Finally coming true. Kinda looking forward to it. With all the cockups, the fun, the whores in Thailand (see, no touch), the wars in Vietnam and Cambodia, the poor children, the mosquitoes, the sweat, the Angkor Wat. We're all going to experience that soon. In exactly 12 days time.
Coming back on the 7th of May. I'll bring my Laptop there, I think. So I can pen down random rants.
And MOST OF ALL: RESULTS FOR UPENN ARE OUT IN 6 HOURS! 5 pm EST time. Online. I'll be awake at 5:50 am, clicking madly on the webpage and trying to get my results. That's how much it means to me. I really really really really really hope I can get Penn. Simply because it would be the best undergraduate business school in the world. And that contacts are made and lost at that school. Wish me luck.
If not, I'll just go Chicago, where the education is good too, with lots of Singaporeans. But I am always one who bucks the trend. I joined HCJC (not RJC), decided to go America to study (not Europe), didn't quit H.Chinese in RI, (even though my chinese HOD was bugging me to.). I love defiance.
and frankly, my battle with acne is still ongoing. I'm keeping an acne journal, going to skin doctor tomorrow. Finally decided to do something worthwhile about it. Maybe I'll go for dermabrasion, but currently, just going on the Regimen as stated in Hopefully, my skin will improve before I go overseas. Ask me anything about acne, I'm now an expert.
and really, to all sufferers out there, don't ignore it like it'll go away. It won't. Recognise the problem and get an solution dammit. I use Benzoyl Peroxide and Salicylic acid (2.5% and 2%) respectively, along with topical Clindamycin Phosphate (Diacin T). I'll ask for oral antibiotics from the derm tomorrow, after all it did help back in J2.
Well, my acne history started when I was in J2. During the A levels to be exact. Before that, Neutrogena Acne Wash was my cleanser of choice, and it worked well for 2 years. Then A levels, happened, I got stressed, and a bomb exploded. haha. I switch to Biore. BAD MOVE. It got worst. Finally went Derm during BMT days, but discountinued during OCS. With all the camou and dirt and sand, well my skin could never be good. But now, after ORD, THAT'S IT! MY BATTLE AGAINST P.ACNES SHALL SEE ME VICTORIOUS!
haha. I can joke about it, but really, it does affect your confidence. I knew I was in trouble when my usually high ego took a battering. Oh well.
6 more hours to go. I shall sleep, and then wake up to good news. I hope. I've been dreaming about it for the past few nights. Never had a good sleep. See, that's how much getting into Penn means to me.
Monday, March 28, 2005
7:21 in the morning
it's time to study psychology dammit. anyway, this is an affirmation. i am carrying too much baggage, and being way too serious with a lot of things. it's time to have fun again. time to do crazy stupid shit like car surfing, popping out of the boot, jumping off the cliff. yeah. to hell with consequences.
now that really wasn't me talking was it? haha. i remember i did do a LOT of crazy shit all the way. whether it was spraying extinguisher foam all over tables, or quarreling with authority, or just plain acting dumb. (remember chasing clarence all over HCJC, my god that was plain dumb).
yay. i love my life. and again, i got the dream about wharton. I AM SO PISSED! when will the DAMNED post come? just get it over and done with. Tell me if i'm in or out of Penn dammit! I can't stand the wait, and frankly, past nights, i've been dreaming about getting the post. some nights, i got in, other nights, i didn't. and IT NEVER FAILS TO WAKE ME UP FROM MY SLEEP. what the hell. i'm getting stressed over a university application. This shows just how much i want the god damned university.
So for goodness sake FEDEX, HURRY UP!
Blog Surfing - a day in the life of a Retail supervisor - Xiaxue's friend with stolen blog.
There's been so much hackings going on in KoC the last few days. Goodness. Anyway it's just a game. And scripting and hacking into accounts isn't very nice after all. Interesting little political game really, KoC is.
and frankly, i don't have much respect for drunk drivers. Drunk driving is bad. You can KILL OTHERS. if you want, kill yourself by smoking, taking drugs whatever. But don't kill someone else. If you want to drag yourselves into DEEP SHIT by driving WITHOUT A DAMN LICENSE, go to hell yourself, and don't drag others down along with you.
Because some people are scum, and will always stay that way.
wow, i am still vindictive:). And vocal.
A leopard never changes its spots. Once a moron, always a moron. If not, go for genetic surgery. Hopefully you'd become a better person.
btw, this site is called RANTS. so if you take offence, feel free to flame me. I'll be happy to just rant around. rant rant rant rant rant rant.
bloody 6 dollar per hour job typing out shit carpel tunnel syndrome damn rich kids with plasma tvs in room and lifts go to front door waterfront view free sentosa access digital cable nice brand new laptop good luck with entrepreneurship swimming is a good way to relax i think, therefore i lead, factor x, differin gel, dkny perfume, traffic court, fucker.
all roads lead to rome.
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Wishing you all the best
hey, i caught your blog online, and also your ex gf's blog. you know who you are. we worked together, and also shared the same bunk. i shall call you mat.
don't worry about things too much. you should move on from yout ex i feel. both of you are very funny, in depression over something that happened so long ago. i have other people who are in depression as well, some in worse shape than you. i try my best to talk to them, to chat to them, to help them and to be a friend. i cannot be everywhere always, i am not an old school engineer.
and frankly, long distance relationships suck. i remember i broke up with my ex on sept 13th 2003. all these dates stay with you. your ORD date, your birthday, her birthday, your break up date, your get together date, how you all met, how you feel when she looks at you, when she touches your hand, when she smiles. each is a memory of the past, and we tend to look through the illusions of the present. we try too hard, too much without getting recognition. we try to be understanding, yet erupt when temper hits us. we try to be modest, but are arrogant at the most inopportune times. we try to be the perfect bf, but we can never be, whether because we aren't rich, have acne problems, have birth defects, have domineering mums or are just plain wrong.
love is never a sure bet. it is a lottery. a game of poker, a game of roulette. to all those leaving overseas, don't break someone's heart now by fooling around, by pretending to be someone you are not. be genuine, for people see through a mask in an instant. be strong, for there will always be those for take you down. be firm in your beliefs, for you must hold the moral high ground. be straight-forward, for diplomacy is played only in office politics and political circles. in human relations, be as geunine as you can, without fear nor favour. if you hate someone: say so.
you will always fall in love again. love is just a mutual liking for each other, coupled with the lack of someone else to fall in love with. i know i am cynical, but i do this to protect myself, to enclose myself in my own emotional wall and let no on untrusted in. for those that manage to break in are those that often give you the greatest pain, but in return, they have given you the greatest joy. you will be succesful, with your attitude and your ability, and with success comes pitfalls.
i wish you the very best in love and in life. and i think i'm in need of some luck in love as well.
Musings in the night
oh well.
then i started thinking about updating my blog. and about love and religion, and about freedom of speech and freedom of choice.
you see, i was with jo at gardens just now, and we were talking about casinos and lawsuits and mothers. interesting choice of topics i must say. Casino debate has been ongoing in the papers for some time now, and frankly, i'm totally against casinos. i have to be, after vegas nearly wiped out my family savings 10 years ago, along with most of my ang pow money. and my dad has poor financial judgement, losing quite a bit in the stock market and other investments. i'm surprised we managed to get along so well all these years.
anyway, back on track, my family has a betting history. not my immediate family, but my relatives. and really, the social costs that accompany a casino are just to great to ignore. you will definitely see addiction, some social problems, even a possible rise in theft. and singapore already provides much needed entertainment in the form of legalized gambling. Casinos aren't just worth the economic purse because socially, there will be repercussions. and frankly, letting the people choose is right, but then you can just go genting. freedom of choice and democracy is not about providing vices and allowing people to choose among them. it's not just providing drugs, adult entertainment, gambling dens, cigarettes and then telling the populace: it's your life, how you want to screw it up, it's your choice.
i am a firm believer in government, that the power to do something is packaged with the responsibility to do something (So spiderman) Yes, singaporean society has matured and are more discerning (Tell that to the guy who tried to pick up his shoe from the MRT track for goodness sake). and about common sense, i don't even want to talk about it. some people are DEVOID of common sense. not just mothers, but even sons.
which brings me to my rant on sex.
yes. interesting. 3 am and i'm thinking about sex. how nice. it all started with reading on the forums that this netherlands guy lost his virginity at age 13. wow.
and i'm wondering, do people have sex for pleasure? or do people still believe in "love". i for one am still a hopeless romantic. i hope. (but i'm hopeless, therein lies the paradox).
i subscribe to the belief that sex would be quite empty if you don't love the sexual partner. i guess going to church did have some impact on me after all. i still keep the "i am a responsible boy" card in my wallet, where it expounds respect for the girl as a woman, mother and future wife of someone. and frankly, that is being lost in the world today. when you have 2 friends sharing the same girl, that's just gross you know. i mean, sex is definitely pleasurable, but to do it with someone you don't love is just weird. i for one, could never imagine myself having sex with someone if i don't even like the person. and even if i like her, it's a definite no no.
and i love some theories that have came out
yeah and feel empty after that.
sex without love is just like mutual masturbation. i think that if you love a person, making love has a much deeper meaning and purpose than having sex. you can have sex with a SGD$40 whore from Chiangmai, but you can only make love to someone you feel for.
for the record: i never fucked anyone from a club before. that's just wrong.
damn. all the thinking must have gotten to me, i have so many thoughts, but i just can't pen them down. my thoughts are like a typhoon, caught up in its own little swirl, flitting around and never being caught long enough to be fully argued out and thought through.
and the bet that NTU has 1 person having sex everynight is still on.
Saturday, March 26, 2005
A joke to all lesbians
The barman says "Wow! you must have had one hell of a day."
"Yes, I've just found out my older brother is gay."
The next day the same guy came into the bar and asked for the same drinks. When the bartender asked what the problem was today the answer came back, "I've just found out that my younger brother is gay too!"
On the third day the guy came into the bar and ordered another six double vodkas.
The bartender said "Jesus! Doesn't anybody in your family like women?"
"Yeah, my wife..."
how sad is that. I'm so bored, i started playing Kings of Chaos at a FEVERISH rate. I mean feverish. for all of those who read regularly, give me a click:) Thanks. It'll only take up like 3 seconds. and join me if you're bored and want a game to play also.
More about KoC here.
Anyway, just blogging random topics. Most of ya all don't know what Kings of Chaos is. It's just a online MMORPG game that i stumbled upon one lazy sunday afternoon while duty in camp last october. It's fun, cos you get to know people from all over the world. E.G. I'm talking to this costa rica guy and a lesbian couple. how cool is that. haha.
I'm bored my day consists of sleeping until 1 pm, eating, playing Xbox, sleeping again, watching tv, playing more Xbox, surfing the net and sleeping. I don't ever need to leave my room again because i moved the TV in and i have a laptop. So i'm just bumming in my room. damn
and it's only 2 weeks after ORD. and I'm still earning $200 a month from piano, but i need more money. haha. considering i don't go out that often anymore, money is a luxury nowadays. it has always been.
Now, it's easter Sunday and good friday.(ok the other way round). And frankly, I haven't believed in Jesus Christ since I read Da Vinci and did more reading up on Gnostics and Islam and the History of the Catholic Church. I think that Jesus is just a revolutionary in the early centuries, who was matyred because of the political and social situation in 0 AD. Gospels and the Bible was a work by Constantine, the Roman emperor who found it politically and socially desirable to create a empire under 1 religion. Religion has always been used as a tool to garner like minded followers, to appeal to the human sense of belonging.
I could argue both sides of the coin, about the miracles that Jesus performed, and about taking the leap of faith to believe in Jesus Christ. At this point in time, I rather take the Gnostic view. Humans are definitely fallible, and there is someone out there greater than us. And frankly, when I went to Kevin's grandmother's wake, and he told us they had tried to convert her to christianity. Coupled with Jesse's story about how his grandfather converted just before he died, i think the afterlife (or lack thereof) is really such an appealing view for people to hold on to, that we put ourselves on a pedestal high above all other animals, that we do have a PURPOSE in life.
Bullshit. You are here to fuck and procreate. Then die. Happy dealing with that.
Now i'm bored.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Sorry all for the lack of updates
Sorry i haven't been updating my blog that frequently. Anyway, just a short short summary of the past week.
1) 4L gathering on 190305 went quite well. Everyone turned up (Almost, except for Boonkie and Lawrence). Even Mark came at like 11pm and we all ended up in the pool. I fell asleep at around 3 am. couldn't take 5 long nights in a row:)
2) Bravo Pl3 gathering didn't go so well, not a lot of people came. but then, good to see those who came. Next time must send invite earlier cum constant reminders. Or maybe i'm just such a boring prick that everyone just ignored me.
3) Upgraded the software in my laptop. Yay.
4) Got back Pink IC.
5) Played Need For Speed Underground 2 for the past week or so, very very fun.
That's about it. Will post more when i finally stop playing need for speed underground 2. Meanwhile, it's just so fun!
Friday, March 18, 2005
Pink IC
now, getting back a pink IC should have garnered whoops of joy. certainly it did for me. i was elated, estactic, happy etc etc. i even smsed all my close friends. haha. the procedure itself was relatively simple, except for the logistics branch which did everything in it's power to deny my rightful ownership. (yeah my fault for not getting clearance done fast enough). after frantically running around, looking for storemen, CQMs, RQ, S4, CD store IC, i finally filled in my clearance form.
I got my pink IC back. so happy.
then it hit me. I have 13 years left. shit.
oh well. time to start earning big bucks so i can be exempt from NS.
for now, it's Need for Speed Underground 2 for me. Full time NFSU2.
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Acne Stuff.
how interesting. i die so young. well if I set it to optimistic mode, my death timing becomesTuesday, October 15, 2080. That's more palatable. 96 years of age. I wonder what i wanna do if i live that long.
on another note, i finally found some acne shit that actually works. try and follow their regimen for those with acne problems. for the record, i already spent close to $400 bucks on skin treatment and creams and whatever. labseries, biore, neutrogena, proactive, even SKII, i've tried them all. and dammit, my condition doesn't seem to get better. fuck the A levels, only after A levels then outbreak. must be the switch from Neutrogena to Biore that did it. no time to buy neutrogena face wash, so used Biore and dababoom! exploded
Sunday, March 13, 2005
What Every Girl Would Love
-Tell her why you think shes so cool.
-Smell her hair.
-Talk to her in movie theatres.
-Pick her up and pretend youre going to throw her in the river; she'll scream and fight you but secretly, she`ll love it.
-Hold her hand and skip.
-Hold her hand and run.
-Just hold her hand.
-Pick flowers from other peoples gardens and give them to her.
-Tell her she's pretty.
-Let her pay if she wants to. (I agree)
-Introduce her to your friends as the coolest girl you know.
-Sit in the park and talk to her.
-Take her to the library.
-Tell her dirty jokes.
-Tell her stupid jokes.
-Write poems about her.
-Just walk with her.
-Throw pebbles at her window.
-When she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her.
-Take her to shows of bands shes never heard of.
-Hold her hand in the mosh pit.
-Let her fall asleep in your arms.
-Call her.
-Call her back if she calls you.
-Sing to her, no matter how bad you are.
-Carve your names into a tree.
-Get her mad, then kiss her.
-Give her piggy-back rides.
-Go see her band play even if they really suck and tell her they were great. (I prefer good music)
-Give her space if she needs it.
-Push her on swings.
-Stay up with her all night when shes sick.
-Make up pet names for her but cool ones not sappy ones.
-Teach her guitar.
-Lend her your CDs.
-Write on her.
-Make her mixtapes.
-Write her letters.
-Take her to cool shops and let her take you to even cooler ones.
-Just hang out with her.
-Listen to all the bands she mentions.
-Dont tell her that her favorite bands suck.
-When shes sad, hang out with her or stay on the phone with her, even if shes not saying anything.
-Buy her ice cream.
-Let her take all the photos of you she wants.
-Look into her eyes. (groan)
-Slow dance with her even if the music is fast.
-Kiss her in the rain.
-and when you fall in love with her tell her
Saturday, March 12, 2005
Food for thought
Before I begin, let me remove myself from any liability that I may have against Prudential and the PTO.
What I say here cannot, will not and should not be used against me in the court of law.
These are mere whimsical blabbering of an underachieving 20 year old thats jealous that Peter Tan is a multi-millionaire, one of the 1442 out of the 4,131,200 (stats as of year 2000) people on this tropical island we call home.
Chances of the corporate enemies of Prudential who happen to chance upon this page and so happen to find what I revealed beneficial to their organisation are slim to none, but in any case if the odds are against me and these corporate "spies" really do read this, I'm simply one unlucky guy.
And now.. I shall begin the recount of my long and frustrating time spent at the "Entrepreneurship" seminar I had this afternoon at Le Meridian Hotel.
Enter Mr Peter Tan, the richest man in the room.
For more information, please go to:
This was the introduction the emcee had for Mr Peter Tan.
"Who in here has met a millionaire before?"
(The crowd was silent.)
"Who wants to meet a millionaire?
(The crowd stayed mum.)
Expecting an upheaval instead of the deafening silence, he then went on and tried to warm up the audience by emphasis's how rich Mr Tan was. And jus how special Mr Tan was, simply because of his immense wealth.
"Mr Tan is a millionaire. And he earns more than a million a year."
(Still silence)
"This means that if he gave away all of his money in this instant, by next year, he would be a millionaire all over again"
(You can probably hear the crickets over at the Istana by now)
The emcee eventually realised that he was too much of a whoop-ass to get this party started so he gave up and simply got Mr Tan to step in.
Here's what I think..
Q1: "Who in here has met a millionaire?"
A1: I have. Before I went to bed last night, I spoke to both of them and helped tuck them in, nice and snugly. This morning I woke up and I walked past 4 millionaires, sitting at the five foot walkway of their shop houses. And as I sat, wildly bored waiting for my SBS bus 197 to arrive, several dozens of millionaires sped past, leaving me choking in their trail of dust. Just what is so special about being a millionaire? A large proportion of the Singapore household have assets that are probably worth more than a million bucks.
With their HDB flats, their 21 inch tv sets, their sleek LCD computer screens, high performance desktops, shiny new laptops, camera hand phones, fancy little digital cameras, robust engine, conventional IKEA home furniture and whatnot, I believe, every household has already spent more than a million dollars in their life time.
So, why the hell would I be so in awe of Mr Peter Tan, the millionaire?
Heck, I probably am one too.
I just ain't that free to go do the figures.
Q2: "Who wants to meet a millionaire?"
A2: Not me. Not anyone in that case, if they all found out that they were millionaires all along.
Q3: "This means that if he gave away all of his money in this instant, by next year, he would be a millionaire all over again"
A3: Okay, honestly, that isn't a question, its a statement. But heck, it sounds so dumb, I simply cannot resist tearing it apart and stuffing up the emcee's behind. Who does he think the audience is? A buncha buffoons from South Park? I think we know very well that NO ONE in the right mind would give all his money away. So don't try to paint Mr Tan as a oh-so-charitable insurance advisor manager. And secondly, we do have money sense, so please don't treat us like Team America and resort to such lowly metaphors.
On with the show..
Mr Tan strolled out the non-existent red carpet between the aisles to the orchestra music blasting from the laptop in front of me. I was seated in the very first row all thanks to Miss Smartypants who showed me the way. For 3 hours, I craned my neck to the right just so I could look Mr Tan in the eye when he spoke.
Anyways, Mr Tan was repetitive and insistent that going 9 to 5 simply wasn't going to cut it if you wanted to be successive. And in his case, success was superficially synonymous with monetary surplus. That was probably the most sense he could make out of his "success" since he's got plenty more where that came from.
Here's a little story he shared that absolutely blew my mind.
Mr Tan:
" I was leaving my job for this one and my boss asked me a question.
He asked me, if I could either be a cow or a horse, which one would I be?
I thought over it for a while and said, I would rather be a horse.
Why? A cow works all day long, ploughing the fields, providing milk for the people and drag those ton-heavy carts, only to end up slaughtered and served up in Jack's Place.
Rare, Medium Rare or Well done. That's what they end up as -- food on a plate.
At least if I were a horse, I could run in the winds and do the best of my ability. And come to think of it, the horse is the most pampered animal in the world.
Its the only animal that has its own shoes."
(Crowd bursts out in laughter)
And then he goes on and gets a volunteer from the crowd.
He says to the volunteer:
"Imagine you are 50 years old now as we go forward in time.
And you have been working hard from 9 to 5 all day, for the past upteempth year.
And its finally time for your retirement.
And your company decides to give you this plaque in recognition of your efforts.
A cabinet minister of some other VIP is invited to present the tokens and its finally your turn.
You shake his hand.
You take the plaque over from him and he says something as both of you pose for a photo shoot.
He says, "Well Done!"
You have just been dissed.
And there is nothing you can do about it.
All these years of hard work for what?
For a simple "Well Done" and you're gone.
You are still financially unstable.
Your parents and children still depend on you.
And now, you have officially retired."
This blew my mind away.
Not in a good sense.
I sat there, boiling.
Angry that Mr Tan would be one who would undermine the value of hard work.
To undermine the blood sweat and tears the other 80% of the Singapore population put in to get what little they can for sustenance.
I was literally staring at Mr Tan right now.
He had just insulted all of the founding fathers of Singapore.
And no, I'm not talking about Mr Lee.
I'm talking about all the blue collared workers over the past few decades who worked till death for that very last penny.
The road sweepers who dutifully cleans the roads for a meager pay.
The canteen stall aunties who provide us with cheap and oily chicken cutlets.
The hawkers who slave their lives away just so their children could have a life.
They have just insulted my parents.
And yours.
And everyone else.
And I seem to be the only one who didn't get the "joke".
I was the one who sat there wondering what was so funny about making fun of the poor hardworking folk.
The 80% of the population that make only 20% of the nations income.
Mr Tan does not look down on the poor.
He insists.
His proof?
"I am just like everyone else. I eat at the food courts. I wear slippers. I wear shorts"
Is that all you got, Mr Tan?
And there he goes on the link I provided above, talking about believing in the value of hard work.
Behind closed doors.
Only after making all who attended sign a declaration form that all that is to be said is private and confidential, then can his true nature be revealed.
A rich pompous despicable wannabe comedian that worships money and snubs his nose to the lower class.
If that is what it means to be a millionaire with "a million to give away and by next year be a millionaire all over again", I rather not be one.
What ticks me the most was that Mr Tan really believes in what he says.
He worships money and as the managing director of a batch of insurance advisors, his philosophy has rubbed off onto his subordinates, even the rookie.
This is a success story that most people hear about.
Its about Steven. (I can't remember his last name)
He has a Second Lower Honours from NTU Business.
He started a car wash company but it folded after several months.
His life began to turn around when he began working for Mr Peter Tan.
In the first 8 months he joined the PTO (Peter Tan Organisation), he outsold the other rookie insurance advisors (a nicer name for insurance agents) and emerged as the top rookie at Prudential.
In the first month of his job, he made sales of over $12,000.
And in the subsequent months, he makes an average of $10,000.
In the eyes of Mr Peter Tan, Steven is a success story.
Steven makes more than $100,000 than his peers.
Steven makes up to more than 5 times the salary of his peers.
A point which required repeated emphasis from Mr Peter Tan.
It came down to the question and answer session for Steven.
And this question was particularly interesting.
Q:"Are you satisfied with your life right now?"
A:"That's a difficult question to answer. So chim. Erh.. I guess I am. I'm making more than 10k a month. But I can still make more. I own a car of my own. I can not work for the next few months and stil get paid 10k (I just found out how commission insurance works) but I'm still not like Peter. I'm not a millionaire."
Q:"But are you happy with your life right now?"
A:"Erh.. that question very chim. I oso duno how to answer."
And he moved onto the next question.
So engrossed in his rat race, he doesn't even know whether he is happy in his life.
He's only 26. (Judging by the fact that he graduated from NTU Biz a year ago)
He's rich.
But he's so lost.
All thanks to Mr Peter Tan.
And his money mongering.
Interesting post by him to think about isn't it? I would like to share it with you guys because it's food for thought.
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Tech Support: Yes, Ma'am.... how can I help you?
Customer: Well, after much consideration, I've decided to install Love. Can you guide me though the process?
Tech Support: Yes. I can help you. Are you ready to proceed?
Customer: Well, I'm not very technical, but I think I'm ready. What do I do first?
Tech Support: The first step is to open your Heart. Have you located your Heart, ma'am?
Customer: Yes, but there are several other programs running now. Is it okay to install Love while they are running?
Tech Support: What programs are running, ma'am?
Customer: Let's see, I have Past Hurt, Low Self-Esteem, Grudge and Resentment running right now.
Tech Support: No problem, Love will gradually erase Past Hurt from your current operating system. It may remain in your permanent memory, but it will no longer disrupt other programs. Love will eventually override Low Self-Esteem with a module of its own called High Self-Esteem. However, you have to completely turn off Grudge and Resentment. Those programs prevent Love from being properly installed. Can you turn those off, ma'am?
Customer: I don't know how to turn them off. Can you tell me how?
Tech Support : With pleasure. Go to your start menu and invoke Forgiveness. Do this as many times as necessary until Grudge and Resentment have been completely erased.
Customer: Okay, done! Love has started installing itself. Is that normal?
Tech Support: Yes, but remember that you have only the base program. You need to begin connecting to other Hearts in order to get the upgrades.
Customer: Oops! I have an error message already. It says, "Error - Program not run on external components ." What should I do?
Tech Support: Don't worry, ma'am. It means that the Love program is set up to run on Internal Hearts, but has not yet been run on your Heart. In non- technical terms, it simply means you have to Love yourself before you can Love others.
Customer: So, what should I do?
Tech Support: Pull down Self-Acceptance; then click on the following files: Forgive-Self; Realize Your Worth; and Acknowledge your Limitations.
Customer: Okay, done.
Tech Support: Now, copy them to the "My Heart" directory. The system will overwrite any conflicting files and begin patching faulty programming. Also, you need to delete Verbose Self-Criticism from all directories and empty your Recycle Bin to make sure it is completely gone and never comes back.
Customer: Got it. Hey! My heart is filling up with new files. Smile is playing on my monitor and Peace and Contentment are copying themselves all over My Heart. Is this normal?
Tech Support: Sometimes. For others it takes awhile, but eventually everything gets it at the proper time. So Love is installed and running. One more thing before we hang up. Love is Freeware. Be sure to give it and its various modules to everyone
you meet. They will in turn share it with others and return some cool modules back to you.
Customer: Thank you!
I'm into techie stuff at the moment. i just bought an Acer Laptop 8104 series. 1 GB RAM and 2.0 ghz with DVD burner and lots of shit stuff. almost as good as my desktop. woot!
Monday, March 07, 2005
Details For BBQ on 11th March
Venue: 1 Hacienda Grove. Detailed Map here (if not accessible, go and do a search for Hacienda Grove
Time: After 5 pm.
How to get there:
a) Take the ECP and turn off exit 8A (Siglap Road). Pass 2 traffic lights till you see Siglap Centre landmark and then turn right. Turn left at Hacienda Grove street (opposite Shell Station and POSB ATM)
b) Take the PIE exit Eunos. Turn towards Marine Parade and turn left at Upper East Coast road. Go all the way until pass Siglap Centre and turn left to Hacienda Grove (as above)
a) from Town:
Take bus 14 from Dhoby Gaut or Orchard Road. Go all the way to upper east coast road, passing Siglap Centre on the left. Press bell at Siglap Centre and alight opposite Shell Station. Walk to Hacienda Grove.
b) from Bedok:
Take bus 608 (before 7 pm) and alight after you pass Siglap Community Centre on your left. Hacienda Grove is opposite the road.
To Bring:
1) Basketball (if interested), squash (if interested), change of clothes (for those likely to go into the pool), sense of humour, $15
Last one most important. $15. If not, opposite got POSB ATM, just down the road got UOB. Tada.
a) Vegetarians: Will probably have salad. May also order vegetarian pizza.
b) Non-Beef: 2 BBQ pits provided. One for beef and one no beef.
c) Mahjong: I got 2 sets. but only 1 table.
d) Other entertainment: XBOX, PS2 provided. Bring your own TV. Or just help me carry down.
e) Early comers will be entitled to saikang (i.e. Help me bring the food down la.) Late comers will have less to eat.
Any questions pls call me. Bring your Gfs and wives if you want. see you!
Team America: THE SPEECH
We're dicks! We're reckless, arrogant, stupid dicks.
And the Film Actors Guild are pussies.
Kim Jong Il is an asshole.
Pussies don't like dicks because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes. Assholes that just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way. But the only thing that can fuck a asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is they fuck too much or fuck when it isn't appropriate. And it takes a pussy to show them that. But sometimes pussies can be so full of shit that they become assholes themselves. Because pussies are a inch and half away from assholes. I don't know much about this crazy crazy world, but I do know this. If you don't let us fuck this asshole we're going to have our dicks and pussies all covered in shit.
I love the show. kudos to for the pictures and the exact speech.
oh well:)
You Will Die at Age 70 |
70 You're pretty average when it comes to how you live... And how you'll die as well. |
P.S. kudos to shawn's gf for this link:) haha. i blog surf. yes i do
Sunday, March 06, 2005
Backpacks, NAFA concert and nostalgia
i finally cleaned my room.. whew. and here are the results!
my table and my collectibles. finally in a good enough shape to display. and my whiteboard is cleaned and actually has relevant stuff up like "slack", "finish master league on WE8", and "MAJ Chang's videos" written on it! yay!
pictures of army life are up (including my face-is-not-inside-39-sce-bravo-platoon-3 photo, BMT, OCS, EOCC and EOAC.) notice the tv in the bottom right? it's connected to my xbox (maybe put my PS2 in also when i feel like playing. now all i need is the antenna to get the free to air tv and i can watch tv in my room. haha. now all i need is a laptop and i'll never need to leave my room ever again!
Ah well. i have a nice room. jesse approves of it
nice room lip!
anyway, alex, jr and jesse were here on fri night to play mahjong and Need For Speed Underground 2 (which is insanely fun), i won about 20 bucks playing 10cent 20cent. maybe i should become a professional mahjong player, my luck has always been quite good at mahjong (besides the time i "ZA HU-ed" at my auntie's house [lost 96 bucks that round, but overall still won 4 bucks:)]) sorry to all who played mahjong with me before ya...
then we finally got the ball rolling for the vietnam trip. finally managed to book airline tickets (at 50 bucks apiece to bangkok), and bought backpacks on sunday at queensway. haha. i even bought the same backpack as alex, at a lower price somemore! i got mine at $116.00 while he and jesse bought for around $135.00 bucks. think i pissed them off again, esp alex when he saw that i bought the EXACT same backpack. how gay. anyway, it's undergoing modification now, going to sew some logos on it. hehe. anyway, to all those buying backpacks, go to beach road, not queensway to buy it. it's cheaper.
the offending backpack which cost $20 less than alex's but is actually the same backpack.
besides the vietnam trip (which i will blog about, come apr 12th to i-dunno-when-i'm-coming-back), also spent my weekend going for NAFA's School Of Young Talent's concert. how nostalgic when the small girl came out at the start and recited the EXACT same paragraph NAFA has been using for god knows how many years. (YING1 YUE4 HUI4 XIAN4 ZAI4 KAI1 SHI3!) with emphasis on the last 4 words. went with weizhen, cheng yu, and mingjing. also saw the "older" graduated bunch, including florrine and diane (who incidently, played quite ok. really. i didn't notice the mistakes one bit.) and jinghong. how many of these young talents are going to go into music full time? i guess it's a very slim chance of ANYONE wanting to do it fulltime, even keegan said he wanted to do finance in the future. ah well, mirrored my sentiments in JC1 perfectly, when choosing between piano and studies became quite challenging. plus all the distractions of quake2, counterstrike, MUD and friends. hehe. and singapore didn't have the infrastructure it enjoys today!
on a high note (no pun intended), Mdm Fang Yuan treated us to Crystal Jade for dinner. (she paid) yay!. and i made the wrong booking for the wrong crystal jade at great world. i don't know if the parents were too happy about me suggesting dinner together, probably ruined a whole lot of family-only plans. but then, your darlings will grow up soon, and soon become independant (except financially). *j/k*. had a great time at dinner. and that's why i was late for my backpack buying spree and that's why i could bargain the price much much lower. haha! (if you don't understand, ah well, think harder)
Thursday, March 03, 2005

My cabinet of collectibles. Top shelf: Prizes and trophies, 2nd shelf, music collectibles. Pianos, Violins, Drums. Bottom shelf, army stuff. including my mask and ranks. Notice the pig and duck in bottom corner. Only gift i have left from my ex, the rest was thrown out in a fit of anger :)

My track and field singlets over the ages. From Right To Left: Raffles Competitive singlet, Maha Bodhi Primary School singlet, Raffles Training singlet, OCS singlet, 39 SCE singlet, Engineer singlet.

Close up of 3rd shelf. that's a chemical mask. eh, it's a condemned item. and i returning soon:). so don't look for it

Ahhh.. Secondary 1 bliss. Tight Hot Pants and Ugly Top. Tada!

My Room (View 2). Notice the HCJC uniforms in the corner of the closet

My Room (View 1)

My old Moor House T-Shirt is too small... *sob*
Clearing my Room
I have undertaken the ardous and perilous task of... cleaning my room.
for those who have been to my house, or rather warehouse, please be informed that the decision to keep the 1988 issues of national geographic and the secondary 2 maths test papers were not mine. they were my dad's ideas. living in a large house, we have converted almost every single inch of territory into storage space. i shall aim to reverse that trend.
damn. i just started and already, i'm thinking this is an impossible task. with just my room. notice the cupboards from top to bottom? well, it houses old curtains that we will NEVER EVER USE, fishing rods from my primary 1 fishing trip, and various old and clunky items that have never seen the light of day.
help me. i need to shift house fast, if not these items will never go away. ahhhh!!!!
UPDATE: I found my secondary 1 spikes (size 9), my old violin, a few hundred bags, and many many books. i devour books. they could educate a primary school all by themselves with the number of books i have. damn
I shall aim to post pictures
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Some polls and stuff
You Are A Realistic Romantic |
You are more romantic than 60% of the population. It's easy for you to get swept away by romance... But you've done a pretty good job keeping perspective. You're still taken in by love poems and sunsets You just don't fall for every dreamy pick up line! |
You Have A Type B+ Personality |
B+ You're a pro at going with the flow You love to kick back and take in everything life has to offer A total joy to be around, people crave your stability. While you're totally laid back, you can have bouts of hyperactivity. Get into a project you love, and you won't stop until it's done You're passionate - just selective about your passions |
DISLAIMER: Harsh Words ahead.
and then, there was the part about not knowing everyone that well, and probably being proud and confident, well that's quite true. I don't hide it man, really i don't. but the point is, pride and confidence does have a thin line. when you are good at something, obviously, you want to show it, to the point of being obnoxious and totally unappealing (that's why i have a B+ personality). but to friends, that's probably who you are. well, i think the best gauge of you is when you don't blow your own trumpet, but when others blow it for you. if you don't like it, so be it. as xiaxue puts it well: FUCK OFF. if you don't like it, i don't have to please you. i write my own thoughts, i am my own person. and so are you. i respect you for your individuality, for you being you. (this para does not, i repeat, DOES NOT intend to flame anybody. if you take offence, email me, and i'll explain).
Normal mode:
oh well, get to know the real me before passing judgement. as the proverb says well: "pride comes before a fall". never take your achievements and gifts for granted, for there will always be someone better than you. work hard, play hard, and enjoy life. if i seem hypocritical after my mugger's post, it was meant as a joke, in case you took it too seriously. the truth is, there will always be someone better than you, so we might as well improve ourselves all the time.
and to chee siew: i know i don't really know you that well, and in a platoon of 30 guys, i think i could have done better. and really, i never got to know everyone very well. we are all stuck in the NS system; that's the similarity. that's why after NS, i want to make the effort to keep everyone together (not that i'm requried anyway:), and go away with the knowledge that i did my best. i apologize if i didn't make enough effort, and if i could have given more off:), but then, sometimes, we all make mistakes and nobody is perfect.
and thanks dude, for improving my chinese as well:)
P.S. BBQ on 11th: Address is 1 Hacienda Grove, event will be held at the BBQ pit. Bring change of clothes if you think you will be dunked into the swimming pool. available activies: XBox (need extra controller), PS2, Basketball (need ball), squash (need equipment) and general sit down and talk. bring your own alcohol.
ditto for 19th;)
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Team America
Before i start, i must say that i'm a real dick. i'm sorry. and some people in the world are just assholes. woot!
"There are 3 types of people in the world; Dicks, Pussies and Assholes. Pussies don't like Dicks, because Pussies get fucked by Dicks. But some Dicks fuck Assholes as well. Assholes if left to themselves will shit over everything, and then they'll need a good fucking from a Dick. Some Pussies think they can deal with Assholes; but the truth is, they'll get shit all over. And when they do, they're almost like Assholes, because they're only 1 1/2 inches apart. It takes a real Dick with balls to deal with Assholes, and give them a good fuck. And in short, FUCK YOU (whoever)!"
I love the show.
As introduced in the Harry Potter world, Purebloods are, according to, of unmixed ancestry. In the GEP context, this would mean those crazy fuckers who voluntarily enter the eugenics programme before they are even legally allowed to have sex i.e. at the tender age of 10 years. This group tends to turn out weird, highly motivated, very very smart, and do not notice the general population around them. Esteemed individuals belonging to this group include jesse, (whose blog i have no intention to decipher), your friendly A&E doctor who clubs and smokes weed the night before your triple bypass surgery, lee kuan yew (honorary member) and most current and future members of the Singapore Cabinet, including CEOs and Chairmen of all GLCs. Bravo.
These are the folks with above average intelligence, who form the cohort entering the eugenics programme in secondary 1 (i.e. 13 year) when the programme supervisors find that most of the pre-puberscent youths were going to grow up ugly, and hastily selected the most good-looking and talented among the PSLE cohort regardless of intellectual ability in order to ensure that the future chairmen and CEOs of GLCs are at least presentable to the general population. i.e. no one looks at the NDP rally speech and gets a heart attack. Hanting belongs here. So do i. Damn, i'm good looking.
The rest. Period.