Friday, May 19, 2006

National Service

And so the debate rages on... Is National Service a priority for Singaporeans? Or is it just another "policy" that we all have to undergo. And what in the case of talented prodigies like Ike See, who posseses the potential to go far, but because of National Service, must be doomed to mediocrity.

Do not forget, this young boy is only twelve. He is certainly very very smart, probably will go to RI (GEP even), RJC and then proceed on a scholarship overseas to study at a prestigious university before coming back to slog 6 years for a Singaporean organization. (Sounds familiar)? Been there done that.

But wait. He's a violinist. A rare talent for the arts. His hands are naturally a perfect fit for the bow, his fingers lightning fast while playing the violin. These same hands, are going to be calloused from pull ups, grimy from rifle cleaning and dirty with mud from the field when he turns 18.

I've seen many talented musicians at my young age of 22. I dare say, it is not talent that makes the musician, it is passion. I respect the child violinst, who though not note perfect, is able to flourish, to take a bow, and to practise daily under his own duress, and not under the carrot and stick approach many Singaporeans use. A grade 8 certificate is no longer something to be proud about. It is just another... piece of paper in junior's collection. Math Olympiad, Swimming Gold Star award, Yamaha Certificates of Achievement... We as a country are paper collectors, striving harder for that COE, or MBA or even just another degree from NUS/LSE whatever.

Whatever happened to passion? Or is our national identity about kiasuism again?

If Ike is talented, make sure he is talented in his own right, and passionate in his own way. Too many times I see burnout, from striving to getting that next piece of paper that certifies you to do "some crap". if you are serious, If you have talent, if you have passion, well.. Screw MINDEF. And pursue your own dreams.

Because ultimately, what Singapore needs are its people. And our people must be the best. They must score 90 for econs test, score 3.8 GPAs, forget about passion for learning. Forget about Jazz classes. Forget about Math Analysis classes. Just go for Drama 101 (Confirmed A), Math 196 (Another sure A), and when in doubt, and on scholarship, do the course that is the easiest that takes up the least amount of time for the maximum results.

Yes. This is the ugly culture that we Singaporeans are. Are you ashamed yet?

I'm surrounded by Polanyi, Dewey and Hayek. When will I read a YT Lim, or SK Foo? Never.



calvinlinzw said...

Dream not in fantasy but in reality. Fight for what you believe in, Seek out solutions and not problems. Dream, and one day it will come true.

The road may be long and bumpy, but each pothole just makes the ride more exciting, each bump an obstacle to overcome. But as long as you're fueled by your believe and passion, you will get there. One day.

Until then ...

Do you believe enough in this cause to fight for it? Or all you do is hope to drum up some comments from your readers?

calvinlinzw said...

Various other countries also offer exemption from NS for outstanding academic (or artistic) excellence.
Our juniors had a chance to talk to Perm sec during one of their prize presentations. We told them, if they wanted to request for exemption/disruption (cos their case would be very strong), then that would be a very good time to do so. They should to gain the most, they had the chance to do what the profs and us couldn't. But none of them dared to open their mouth, a perfect opportunity wasted.

Junehyuk is writing letters to the Korean Mathemathical Societry requesting for exemption from NS. I would be amazed if things can de done quickly enough that he is exempted, but its still a cause that he believes in and is working towards.

Whoever said that we have to forget about our passion for learning? Its all a matter of tradeoff, what are you willing to sacrifice and give up? Is that waht you really want, or just something you feel pple should strive towards? Theres a subtle difference there

Well, if we get the 3-bedroom (*&%#! regents) then u'd be surrounded by me n TK, and that should be good enough for u.