Wednesday, June 21, 2006


My imagination has been running kinda wild since ermm.. this morning. It's amazing how I can be so obsessive about a single thought. You can call it "single-mindedness" in a euphemistic sense, or rather, I might just have OCD. You never know:).

And yeah, I realise I can't take stress on stress's own terms. I can stay calm, but at the same time, I just want to get my plate cleaned up and all the excess annoyances done with. I think I thrive under stress, but then again, I prefer not to be stressed out.

And the gf sure knows me well. ARGHH... =p. And I realise that many of my closer friends know me very very well too, from my idiosyncracies to my penchant for moodiness and general idiotic-ness.

Sigh. Phone bill is going to be $600 bucks this month. Fuck.

P.S. Some people are Java idiots. I hate it when Firefox crashes due to a Java Error.


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