Thursday, August 31, 2006

Ice Skating=p

Today a very interesting coincidence happened at Fuji Ice Palace.

In case you were wondering why I was in the West side of SG, well I was accompanying the gf to ice akate, at the same time, proving that I don't fall 90% of the time on ice.

So as we were going through the gate, I was showing my student's card/SAFRA card to get a discount on the entry fee. And guess what? The guy who's ISIC card was taped on the glass panel of the cashier was my classmate in RI!

Lawrence apparently left his ISIC card at the counter when he went to skate 2 weeks ago (probably with a girl, or ogling a girl, or whatever), and it was his face I saw staring back at me from the glass panel.


P.S. Congrats on getting into MIT for PHD/Masters dude:)


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