Thursday, September 14, 2006

OMG Lee Hsien Loong. is Worlds Highest Paid PM

For those who can't read chinese: Our Prime Minister earns 380'000 per month. More than George Bush, more than Tony Blair, more than Angela Merkel, and 126 times MORE than Hu Jing Tao.

WTF OMG! And of course, the government will "justify" the high wages due to the "specialised" and highly "difficult" job of PM (more difficult than balancing the opinions of 300 million people and deciding on whether to attack Iraq?)... AFTER ALL, as PM of Singapore, you only have to convince your own party members.

And this comes amid a time when the PTC decides to raise bus fares again, and the rich poor divide grows. Hello. Mr. Prime Minister, can be more Zi Dong or not?

Fuck man.


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