Saturday, May 07, 2005

Back Home

I'm home finally!

Thanks to all those who have been encouraging and reading up, although my lack of updates is really sad:)

Thank God for pulling us safely through the trip. Some accidents did happen that could result in deaths, but thank God the result was minimal.

And I love my bed and my room. And my laptop. I miss you all. Must start catching up with all of ya soon!

I'll post pictures and blog more in depth once my PDA is charged:). And also once I get my ass into blogging mood.

Some points to note:
1) Hanoi is FULL OF SCAMS.
2) Don't trust the price to tourist. If you can, cut it down by half. And cut it down somemore.
3) I start to believe in the power of God and mercy again.

Good luck. It's 1 am, my University is nearly confirmed (once i get my visa), and life in general is going great. haha.

Merci, and Cam En

Nuoc Cong Hoa Xa Hoi Chu Nghia Viet Nam Mouc Nam!


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