Thursday, June 30, 2005


Much hoo-ha has been said about the NSF who died because he wasn't treated "properly" by SAF doctors who thought he was malingering.

The truth is, when you see 100 patients in 4 hours, and 70% are there for "headaches" and "aches", you tend to be more on the suspicious side of things.

This prompted a response from Mr. Kwok Kah Meng in the ST Forums today, a platoon mate of mine back in BMT.

I remember he was excessively intelligent, able to play Chinese Chess AND International Chess at the same time, winning at both games.

He was also accused of malingering by my PS, after numerous "fiascos", including the attempt to avoid field camp and bringing a handphone out to the field when specifically told not to.

And now he is a medical student. Definitely a Captain rank in the future, but mentally, are these medical students strong enough to survive the army? Most are able to, some are not.

And it's a tragedy when an NSF dies. But I've always been respectful of the Israeli Army. They take death in the armed forces as a reality. After all, when you are screwing around with Rifles and bullets and C-4 explosives and TNT, it is a miracle more people ain't dead because of the safety culture in the SAF.

I sound like a hardliner. Maybe I am.


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