Sunday, April 02, 2006

It never pays to be too nice

And I've always learnt the hard way.

My car is in fucking Michigan. Yes. You heard that correctly. It is in fucking Michigan. Let me repeat that. It is in FUCKING MICHIGAN.

So, I'm a nice guy right. And yes, I loaned friends my car. And my car broke down on the way to Michigan. Bravo. What is the responsibility issue here? Is it my responsibility? Or theirs? I feel it is theirs. They feel it is mine. After all, it is MY CAR. but they were fucking driving it when it fucking broke fucking down.

This mirrors what Zining underwent:

My laptop battery DIED today. Damn it! It was still working properly last night. My sis was the last user so I blew my top at her when my bro discovered that the batt was no longer charging when the AC adaptor was plugged in. Perhaps it wasn't her fault but she was just too suay to be the last user so she had to be made the scapegoat.
from zining's blog

So, who should bear the responsibility? The what ifs are: If i hadn't loaned people my car, it would still be in Chicago, and if I was driving it and it broke down, I would know what do. (Call AAMCO, free towing etc).

But no. Towing costs money now. Repairs would cost money too. And added to the fact my car is fucking 40000 miles away doesn't make my mood any better.

Maybe I should stop being nice altogether. Stop lending people things, stop helping people. Then I'll just be a regular fucker. So tell me, what should I do in this instance?




Anonymous said...

Well my friend..
What happens in this situation is that believe in good KARMA..
You will be rewarded and stay positive

Anonymous said...

hey cheer up man. This happened to me over last summer too, hell I wasn't even in chicago when my car broke down with my friend driving it.

Talk to everyone calmly to find a solution, I guess. I splitted the costs with my friend in the end, though I believe I might have lost a friend in the process... (she thought I should have paid for everything too)
