Friday, February 11, 2005


weng's party last night was not too bad. quite good actually, to meet up with the class again. well, her fears of there not being enough food were ultimately unfounded, judging from the massive amounts if leftovers after the dinner.

had a lot of drinks, vodka, whisky, coke. got a little high, and maria actually told me i look good! haha. guess she must be pissed drunk. which of course, was shot down by the rest of the gang immediately. sigh. why do good looking guys aways get the short end of the stick :D and jenny was quiet; sorry didn't get the chance to talk to you:)

anyway, shar went too. and frankly, i guess there was a certain tension in the air. can't really be relaxed around my friends i guess. and conversation seems really awkward. well, i guess she doesn't really mean much anymore. plus i'm damn pissed off that i didn't get an ang pow when i went to pick her up. haha.

well, barn got thrown out of his house for new year. and he's staying with clarence. hmmmm. sometimes i really just wish to fly away right now and start anew in the US. at least there's no baggage to carry around. this society is really really too small to make things awkward enough. well, hope that someone somewhere is praying for him (for those who believe in this). my faith has changed from orthodox to somewhat karmaistic and zen like. haha. how apt of my life.

interestingly, i had an msn conversation this morn wif a certain ex of a certain friend. i wonder if i was like that in 2003. i guess not. i tend to keep to myself during eocc. really shittily unfriendly. oh well. i guess people deal with breakups differently. i think i bowed out in a dignified manner. no bounce, no flings, just hard partying and clubbing for awhile:). ah well. i'm not perfect. no one is.

well, valentines day is coming soon. hehe. just 2 days away actually. and i'm all alone. all those singles, care for a KTV break come monday:)? to sing away the blues and whine away? heh. well, i read somewhere: marry the one who loves you more than you love him/her. at least you won't get hurt that way. cynical, but very true.


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