Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Packing Status

Ahh well.. I'm leaving in 6 days time. I can't wait...

In a way, it has been good to know everyone in Singapore. And those who are currently overseas as well. I found out who my true friends are, and thank God, I am truly blessed to have good friends that I can depend on.

To pack in memories:
My 70 clique, Lex, Jess, ZL, JR.. soccer and mahjong buddies. Not to forget Chan Lek, Jeff, Joses, ZY. And of course, the "bimbos", Wen, Debz (thanks gal), Weng, Maria, Honk... and all the others:) Though I dun know u all that well... Agnes (for Hp cover:) still,), Jenn (for a lot), Zining, Sylvia, Sinyi, Kaysing...
(i know i missed a lot of peeps)

4L shitheads. James (for fire and mayhem), Will, Jared, John, Clarence, Jon blah blah blah.. U know who u are:) Those that pushed into the pool, those that sat around the east coast BBQ doing god-knows-what, those that I threw penknives at...

My church (okay, ex-church friends), xy, wz, Ben, Faith, Jp, Edwin, Angeline, Jiawen, Yiwen and all your little buggers that have made my day before. Thanks a million. And may God continue to bless you (Go ye forth, those with faith...)

Army mates: WL, Shawn, Dann, Joel, Jeremy, Wenqi, Dennis, Eric... As well as EOAC (where I learnt the most about myself), and EOCC, OCS friends... Some are Hi-Bye friends, others have more to talk about and yet others have taught me how to live:). Too numerous to name, but yet, are always there... Thanks. Also, OC Sir, and Mr. Soh and Maj Chang. Learnt the most from you guys. And of course, Des:) I know you visit often.. hehe.

My Pl deserves a big packing into my Singapore memories too. Thanks for letting me learn, and fail, and pick myself up. Thanks for all the tolerance for all the shit mistakes:), the (blatant sometimes) favourtism, the good times and the bad. Wish you guys all the best.

And of course, my other friends... For friends have no categories, but they are just friends. People whom I have known, Hwee Lee (cos i met you today:), Sheryl, Shar, Jo (if you would still consider me one- i know i would), Ger, too many....

And thanks Dad, Mum, Sis and Bro, for putting up with me for 21 years. I will miss you guys. Time to show that I can put that foot ahead of me without falling down finally, to be independent AND RESPONSIBLE in another country. Sis, u're fat, but not that fat... Yet;) And your friends are chio... there... Take care of dad and mum; rebel, but only if you have a clear and morally correct goal in your life:) I know u'll read it, someday. And Yang should be pushed a little... Cos he's too slack as compared to us liao.

Thanks to relatives. Aunts, uncles. Grandma (may you health be well), and granddad (you too). They all dote on me, and whether I still deserve that unconditional "doting", well, I'm not complaining:).

Farewells are never forever, but this is just a small sample of my entire life, and who are the most important in them. A new life, a new beginning, but always, reflection can be the most important anchor in your life forever.

I am blessed indeed.

(on another note, I'm given 138 kg of baggage because my parents are travelling.... That's the literal packing:)

I realised that I never really appreciated those people who have been around me. That's just a selfish trait in me, one that I have been trying hard to abolish. There is no such thing as perfection; you can always strive to be friendlier. to be more understanding, to care for your friends more... Some I have not, others, I have tried my best; and my best always falls short of what I aspire to be. Thank you for accepting me as who I am.

Truly, "people" are the most important things in your life.


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