Sunday, March 05, 2006

Learning to Love

Sometimes you wish for the first love that never could be.

And you wish that you'll find that again.

And when you find it, you wish you never did, because things get so confusing.

不想爱被风吹走 不想情擦身而过
不想爱被风吹走 不想情擦身而过

from 新谣2005

Couldn't sleep till rather late last night. Confused, thoughts, re-evaluating myself. There's something about the piano that is just so beautiful. I express myself through music. I play songs that express my thoughts, my feelings. And then when morning comes, I hide away the real me and put on a facade again.

No one knows who I am.

I remember back when I broke up. Words were not enough to express everything. So I called. And I played the piano over the phone. It was enough.

Sometimes, I wish I had someone who understands.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

cheer up. y should anything stop u from getting back with her?