Sunday, March 26, 2006

Spring Break!!!

Hi all!

Back from Spring break, the inevitable alcohol, and of course, lots of sun, sand and smirnoff. Not too much sea, because I just wanna chill out and slack, but then again, whenever I am on the beach, I start looking out into the waves and remembering someone. Interesting... How the waves break, and how they are almost crying. Well, it was just a moment of intense emotion just looking at the waves.

and the sand... it was just amazing.

Have you ever thought about someone so much, you were almost lost without them?
Random rantings were never cool for me. Well, Spring quarter is here upon us, and Beauty World is going to happen in 3 weeks time. I hope that Beauty World would be a spectacular show, and really, I wish everyone who should come would come... Otherwise, I would have to take time off my schedule to do a spot of flying... haha...

I got VoipStunt, free land line calling to like 30 countries, SG included. Well, I'll try to call my parents soon. Hope it'll be fine...

Maybe I should just call my dad now.



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