Monday, January 31, 2005

Community Service At Redhill

today i was doing community service at redhill moral home for the aged.

yeah, some of you may ask, why am i doing comms service when i'm in the army? well, OC felt it would be good to instill into the guys some moral discipline and community spirit. i also felt that it would be a good chance for my guys to grow, both spiritually and morally. also, it had been some time since i've done some community service, so might as well...

whenever i tell my friends i do community service, they go... "WHAT"!!!! yeah. that's the reaction i get. notwithdstanding that i got 250+ hours of comms service under my belt in JC. sigh. sometimes, i think i really am not predisposed to do good in people's eyes. well i hope i am eventually.

plus i remember the camp better world in sec 3/4, with clarence and cheng yu. that was fun, and opened my eyes to another world altogether.

but i digress.

anyway, today was just like a normal community service; proceed to the home, clean the rooms of the elderly etc etc etc. spread a little CNY cheer you know, for the elderly. most of them were old samsui women and men who had been left by their children. how sad.

these were the pioneers of modern singapore, these were the people that build singapore up with blood sweat and tears, who had been the cornerstone of many of our achievements today.

(bah lost my train of thought thanks to joanna seetoh)



haha... interesting quote really. why is there a need to take responsibility for you actions when you are drunk? you can just say: wait, i was drunk.

but no, it doesn't apply to statutory rape.

it doesn't apply to any rape.

it doesn't apply to drug usage.

it doesn't apply to drunk driving.

my point is, take responsibility for your own actions, for your own choices. (i realise i do really like to blog about choices). i'm really level headed when i'm high, funny as it may sound. perhaps it's the principles and beliefs that govern a person's life that makes that person behave regardless of situation or drunkedness.

and really, it's really your own choice how you want to behave. i guess i'm really really over my days when i just wanted to go club to drink and get high. it doesn't hold that much of an appeal for me anymore. sigh. maybe that's the sad thing, for "life is less fun when you are sober"

but is fun all we need in life? perhaps those people who are fooling around, having fun, unwilling to commit are just those who have been hurt before, who have emotional scars. and they just want to release and heal those scars before the time comes.

which brings me to finding ms/mr right. go read life today if you want. where the commentary was on finding your soulmate. Quote: Mr Right can come at the wrong time. Unquote. How true.
"When Mr Right comes at the wrong time". Only some lucky people marry the loves of their lives. the rest marry the most suitable person who come along when they are ready to settle down. sigh how true. and really, first loves are always sweet and saccharine, to the point of pukish to outsiders. and really as you progress through life, you won't marry someone you really love. i guess.

which brings me back to my community service. how sad that even in singapore, we have to contend with old folks being left alone and destitute. without family. correction: there was this one lady with 17 grandchildren. count them. SEVENTEEN. and none of them gave her money to survive. and she is now embroiled in family court battle, making lawyers rich, the sneaky bastards.

not that i have anything against lawyers:)

but she has 17 grandchildren. granted, some of them are good for nothings, ending up in jail. others earn 4-5k, and do not give her any money! how do i know this? through speaking with the said lady in question, and understanding aruond 40% because it was in dialect.

how sad.

we are heading towards a population crisis. in the future. or even now. parents are seeing their children marrying out of the country (with our international relationships today), and gone are the days when couples have children at 23 and below. which biologically, is the best time to have offspring. in fact, with career being the foremost on males AND females minds today, there is slim chance that people will even settle down before the age of 30. give and take 10 years.

is it really that hard to marry someone at 18? ermm dumb question. of course. but i have a friend who married in the army! or rather in medical school. sigh. the pressures of success, of career, of money, of self become so much more important than family. how sad. and how true.

so when our generation grow up, do we expect to support 4 elders? which is really the case in china right now. with the 1 child policy rearing its ugly head. 1 couple to support 2 couples to support 4 couples. 4-2-1. it's unsustainable.

or reverse malthusian for those inclined to economics.

think about it.



Anonymous said...

Heh lip, you damn bored at home izzit. can write so much nonsense... Mat

lip said...

heh yeah i am damn bored.

mat as in matthew? or matilda:)?

sorry dunno which one:)