Thursday, January 27, 2005

Less Thought About Post

a significantly less thought-about post today. mainly for the fact that i don't really want to think so much.

today's topic of choice is... CHOICES! sigh... sometimes i wonder, is it right to pull someone back from the path they have chosen? or you must shoulder the responsibility of knowing you could have done something about a path and did not, for you gave that someone the freedom of his/her own choosing?

i realise i am very alone in my musings. i like to think, to analyze, to appreciate. choices. would i as a parent, let my child choose his own path? or would i serve to influence him to take the path i deem best for him? similar to friends. would i let friends i care about choose a path i have a instinct to be wrong? or would you let her learn for herself? sometimes we can only do so much...

i guess i'm a typical libra, always content to be in the shadow, believing in my own ability too much to enroach upon a situation. sometimes, intervention is required, but personally, i am too much of a spectator rather than an actor on the stage of life. life is funny really; sometimes choices really are not made by you, but influenced by the friends around you. but is it really fair to what you want in your own heart? sigh. opportunity cost. economics. haha

sometimes i look at the situation i am in. i really am such a klutz around girls:) i am not a sweet talker, i am not someone who is forthright with feelings. i tend to be objective, rational and sincere in dealings with people, or rather, i am trying to be objective rational and sincere. perhaps the best compliment paid to me thus far is not for my talents, but rather, for my effort in overcoming my main weakness: arrogance and complacency. i need to work towards a more humble self, to overcome my short comings, to be sincere in relationships. i guess i really am extroverted after all...

i shall blog on aid relief in UN countries in my next blog. somethings you really have to know about aid you are giving to africans and east timorese. it's being corrupted. really:) read Jim Roger's book "Adventure Capitalist" for a background info.

time to go to dreamland. i'll miss the army i guess, but it's a new phase of life. really had lots of friends there. and i really hoped i made a difference in the lives of my subordinates. i really tried my best.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha... hope u dun mind that i am reading ur blog.

I just read a law module last semester. You won't be sued for not saving a person from death. I guess you can take that as a cue. Seriously, no one is oblige to save the whole world=P
