Friday, July 08, 2005

Wanna Come In?

Ever watched the show Wanna Come In by MTV?

These supposedly "dorky" guys who would never score on a date are given secret coaching by "Date doctors" whose ultimate goal is to get the girl to say "Wanna come in?" at the end of the date.

Well, this afternoon, I was invited to go up to a lady's house. I had a cup of coffee, had great conversation with her. Before that, we went for a spin in my car and had a great time together.

I remember the look on concern on her face when I told her my passport wasn't ready. And the concern she showed when I told her about the London bombings and my joke that it might happen in Chicago while I was there. *touch wood of course*.

And then there was the talk about my family and my cousins as well as my uncles. How I had at least 5 educators in the family (teaching at various levels from Primary School to University level) and how my uncle who is the Assistant Dean at University of Illinois would be my closest relative when I went over to the state.

That was followed by the promise that I would make a trip back to Singapore every year to catch up with her. And also how I must save money for my dad and how I shouldn't waste my life away by frittering time away on the computer.

You see, great things happen when you talk to grandma. For she knew you since you were in diapers to when you had your first girlfriend, to when you went through your pimply stage, your rebellion and angsty stage and hopefully, come back full circle back to what is most important in you life: Family.

And she urged me to hold a 21st birthday party before I leave for the U.S., since that was what my cousins and my uncles/aunts have held ever since I was in liquid form. And so, to honor her request, perhaps a small family celebration should be in order, to celebrate the coming of age, to celebrate finally joining the work force *groan*, and of course, to celebrate the fact that her grandson had finally grown into a mature and responsible adult.

And it all started with a tiny eye infection. Sometimes, things work in funny ways, when you start ferrying grandma to and fro the hospital, you get to know a little bit more about your family and your cousins, for grandma always knows what's best.

And of course, I have to pick up hainanese soon, if not she'll just keep on insisting talking to me in hainanese and hoping I'll pick up some of the words. Yeah right.

And Hainanese guys are supposedly the most "shuai" of all the dialect groups. Don't believe? Look at me:)



Anonymous said...

[And Hainanese guys are supposedly the most "shuai" of all the dialect groups. Don't believe? Look at me :)]


lip said...


u are:)? haha. a bit of self indulgence goes a long way:)