Saturday, June 17, 2006

Cooking and Buying Groceries

With much difficulty over the past week, I finally managed to find myself the Kaufhof - or in English - a supermarket.

And an egg in this Supermarket is Super expensive - 33 cents. Which works out to around 66 cents in SGD. Awesome.

Thank God for a Lebensmittel (a smaller supermarket) near my place, and now I have to figure out where the hell to get washing detergent from, because I didn't find anything in the Kaufhof - or maybe, it wasn't in the food section.

Talking about food, I've decided to subsist on peanut butter and bread for my entire stay in Frankfurt, until I looked at the receipt and saw that Erdnusscreme - Peanut butter - costs €2.99 for 350g. Which wouldn't last me for a week. Ouch. And Bread costs €1.29. double ouch.

Compared to a Bratwurst for €2.50 and a coke for €1.30, I think I'll have to survive on Peanut Butter and Bread.

Dad, send money.


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