Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Feed me, Fuck me, Shut the Fuck up

Now, boyfriends boyfriends.

You all don't know how lucky you all are.

It's always the same story, boy meets girl, boy looks at girl, girl looks at boy, sparks fly. *poof* a couple is formed.

Now, in ALMOST every single fucking relationship i've seen, the guy always never ever fails to give the girl crap.

Like real shit.

Maybe because i've been hearing too much of the girl's side of the story. Guys just don't talk that much after all.

Here are some of the crap that, as the male species, we always never fail to throw at our gals.

1) Get insanely jealous over small shits
You know the drill. Girl goes out without you, you're bored for awhile, start imagining crap, you actually like her (instead of just the sex), and suddenly, your mind is running out of control.

and every single little thing becomes a big blown up piece of shit.


gal: I was out wif Mich today and I saw Ian
you: so how was he in the sack?
gal: Huh?
you: you know, you obviously fucked him. How was he?
gal: Whatever, you piece of shit


It's almost always the same. You have a bad mood, and you, the motherfucker, take it out on the person closest to you.

2) She actually Gives A DAMN
I lost count of the number of times I've been turned down to drink/party/meet up/play pool/supper etc etc because...

"Oh. he's free that day"

Ok twits. Get it. The gal is not going out gallivating with some other guy when she has time. She actually gives a damn what the fuck you think. And how the fuck you feel, even if you're just some mother fucking twit who keeps on giving hell to her.

So please gentlemen, act civil and nice for once. And actually pay attention to her feelings. I had a friend who said once: "All guys want is the thrill of the chase".

A little over-arching to encompass *all* guys, but I give her the benefit. So guys, please please please, once you get going, give a little shit to what is actually happening will ya?

DISCLAIMER: I just felt indignant at being turned down for winebar by almost every single person I asked, albeight at a very short notice.

So I thought up cute little scenarios in my head.

I guess I'll always be the *gay best friend* category. *woot* But then, guys, when was I ever gay to begin with:)?


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