Thursday, June 02, 2005

Confidence, Challenge and (Self) Control

I remember back then in EOAC, we had this talk about how sad our lives were in the army and how hard it was to meet girls and yada yada yada...

So Weiyi started talking about how he bought Doc Love's book and immediately, he hooked up with this damn attractive gal la.

What the hell..

But then it didn't last. His excuse was that he didn't read the chapter on "How to make it last"


Anyway, i've been ranting against "playa's" for a damn long time. And i stopped. You see, i wondered, every guy just wants to be this playa deep down.

There's always someone you admire. And someone who admires you. Trust me. It works both ways. You can have the shittiest self confidence ever and all you have to do is ask your friends. And lo and behold, there'll always be one person who admires you for that someone you are, be it academic, social skills, or leadership ability or other more intangible stuff.

But i digress.

You see, i was wondering what women want. And out of COMPLETE BOREDOM, i started going through my spam mail.

And i came across some dating guides.

Oh my god. It was damn funny. It made me laugh my guts out.

Basically, i learnt some things today. (Okay never learn them today, it's something i always knew).

1) Women SAY they want a sensitive, nice, caring guy.
2) Women PRIMALLY want a guy who is macho, egotistical and cocky.
3) All you need is a sense of humour.

Which brings me to the conclusion that hanting should be a ladies' magnet.

Why not, he is fucking funny, he has tons of confidence and he is nice, caring and sensitive. (okay okay, i am not GAY for god's sake)

You see, i've always wondered why attractive people always tend to go out with less attractive people. Screw Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston. THAT was a freak of nature.

as I was saying. Sometime along my life, i got into NS. and that kinda screwed my entire life up. Even now, i am bored, lonely and home at 2:57 am in the morning typing this shit. Seems to me like my social life is dead and buried.

But then i think again.

My social life is actually quite fine. In fact, i've been out EVERY SINGLE DAY. HUH?!!

But still, i'm suffering from not having a gf for so freaking long. haha. it sux actually, but it's an active choice i am taking so that i can just fly off to Chicago without any regrets.

Bullshit. Sometimes i should just become a playa and have fun and screw around for 4 months and leave everything behind.

But again, I digress.

SO, (back to the story of EOAC), me and Weiyi were discussing dating in general. And he told me the 3 magical steps to get ANY girl you want. Even cindy crawford type.

Remember my joke some posts before about her height being the same as my dick? That was a cocky, confident response to someone like Cindy Crawford.

Of course, remove the laptop in front of me and put me physically there and i'll be reduced to a blabbering fool. I'll probably go something like "can i clean you high heels please goddes" and smack myself on my head.

So, the 3 magical words are:

1) Confidence. That i have tons of. Right. Come on man, You find me someone who has HALF of what i have achieved. Then you can come grovel in front of me. However, most of the people i've met say I am arrogant. Whatever. Talk to the hand.

2) Challenge. This requires some explanation. You need to "pretend" to "not like" the girl so it raises her "interest level" in you. In short, stop acting like the blabbering fool and think you are Brad Pitt and girls swoon over you.

and in the morning, wake up to the sad fact that you are still alone and ugly and need Dr. Woffles Wu to surgically remove your face.

3) Self Control. That means not to call her every 3 minutes to ask her about her day. In fact. Act as though you don't give a fuck.

Now. For the clincher.

I've actually seen this at work BEFORE!

My very very very good "Friend" in EOCC actually employed this technique to such a degree of excellence i was bowled over by the sherr audacity and temerity of it all.

You see, all you have to do is act arrogant and cocky and treat her like dirt.



And when i raised the issue of "manipulation" right in front of her, she gave it a thought and said "THAT's TRUE! HE IS MANIPULATING ME!"

and the next time he calls, she's reduced to a wimpering manipulated little girl.


Sometimes, nice people just finish dead last.

and frankly, althought i've learnt alot from Desmond, to treat people well, to network effectively, to pay attention to people's needs, to keep my contacts... all in the name of being a better person, and hopefully a better business leader and influencer/leader, I should learn something from the players of the world.

In short, Confidence, Challenge and (Self) Control.

DAMN my wireless connection died on me again. I HATE THIS SHIT. adious people. and really, i'll call most of you up to keep in touch before i fly to the windy city of Chicago.

Counting down. And can't wait to leave.



Anonymous said...

chicago? which college are you attending? cornell?

lip said...

University of Chicago:)

Anonymous said...

I actually read in FHM that guys should treat women like dogs.. frankly, i think it only works with certain types of women. It is not confidence that matters but emotional independence.

lip said...

true true. but don't you think that women are damn funny sometimes? it's like the guy treats them damn bad, but they like pain or something:) haha

Anonymous said...

ouch! =P enuff said..