Saturday, October 29, 2005

My sister and her comments:)

Ok, so I was church camp committee president back in 2001, and now, in 2005, my sister is heading the church camp. Good luck:). We had a fun time 4 years ago.

And this is what she says about me:)

"my brother is spending alot of money and now he wants a car. yeah. good job! BUT OH WELL that's better than being shot and killed by blacks roaming the streets." -Oct 29th

"and the leeying award goes to coolest guy on earth: tie between dad and elder bro" -Oct 24th

And to think I used to write "leeying is stupid" in glow-in-the-dark chalk right above my parent's TV (it's still there), and treated her pretty shit for almost 18 years:) haha.

Yay! My sister rocks!

Check it out @



Anonymous said...

how nice. my bro wont gif shit bout me.

Anonymous said...

haha wad bout me????

Kinfoong said...

haha seems as if karma isn't always present...