Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Republicans in America

"I'm all for Bush, who made this country great again" -Quoted.

Wow. The same Bush who had his infamous bushisms and decided to go to war against Iraq based on WMD reasons. (like Baghdad beans produce farts which pollute the Earth because of Greenhouse gas effect (Which incidentally, Kyoto is not part of his agenda)).

I'm disturbed by that one comment. Classic redneck American from the South, elitism and imperialistic over the rest of the world. (Though they don't show it, but they think it.).

Nice. Really nice. And i have a lot more to blog about, but then, I have a Power, Identity and Resistance class in 25 minutes and I need to refresh Smithian theory in my head before the Prof. comes down on me for my poor understanding of Smith.


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