Sunday, May 07, 2006

Interesting Revelations in Chicago

1) I have a fork stuck in our toilet. It clogs up the system. Now we can't take a crap without the crap coming up 3-4 times before it finally flushes down the system. It's annoying. And I hope we don't have to pay when the plumber comes by tomorrow.

2) I have a shortage of cash. Dad, please send money.

3) My friends are all getting attached. Why?

4) It gets harder and harder to make friends as you grow older. Friends you can really hang out with and friends whom you care about and who know you very well.

5) The best place to get to know me is in my car. As in seriously having a deep conversation without my usual crappiness and avoidance of serious issues.

6) Someone took my Brita filter. I am pissed.

7) I miss the days we had together.


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