Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Why do we travel? Warum Reisen Wir?

Life is a journey. Milestones, regrets, happiness, pain, suffering litters the pavement as our feet crunch against the pavement. Frost had a welt-bekannt poem about the road less taken.

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

I want to be different, to be out of the mould. But everywhere I see, I am the same. In a country which prides itselfs on individuality, everyone is the same. Everyone has to conform, where we want a job, money, a credit card, a car, a handphone, a computer... Everyone conforms.

Which is why travel takes us out of our comfort zone, to dislocate ourselves from our surroundings, to surround ourselves with the foreign, the unknown. It's an interesting experiment, this process of Selbstentdeckung; self discovery. In the process, we want someone who understands, who knows. wissen Sie, ohne zu sprechen. Who knows me, who doesn't not know thyself? Must I really be painted by Salvador?

We travel in search for hope. In search for identity, in search for that which gives us meaning to life. We feel joy in meetings, sadness in partings. 天下没有不散的宴席。

So ask yourself today. Where are you going? Finding a home for yourself? Whereever that might be? And where is home? How do you define home? Is home where your parents are? Is it where you are born? Is it where your heart lies? Is it where you stay?

We all want our homes. And I'm glad I've found mine.

Zwei Straßen liefen in einem Holz auseinander,
und ich - ich nahm das, das weniger vorbei gereist wurde,
und das hat alles unterschieden.

Indeed. Das Weg gereist weniger.

Forgive thy Deutsch, for Ich wissen weniger Deutsch.

I have not conformed. I do not want to conform. And frankly, we all just need that one person to tell us, you are different to me. And special. And we will feel that our travels have meaning, and we have found - home.



Anonymous said...

Where is home? Who is me?

I'm glad you found yours. =P

I will be travelling soon. The destination is Europe. Wish me luck =P


lip said...

have fun in Europe Sylvia:) I'll be there from 10th June. Call me at +6596749263 if you happen to be in Germany:)

Anonymous said...

which part of Germany will you be in?

lip said...

I'll be in Frankfurt am Main

Anonymous said...

hmm.. I think I will be dropping by Munich only.. coz it is a tour thing.. And, it looks far on the map.. Enjoy yourself in frankfurt!