Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Blog Surfing

It's 2 am, I can't sleep, so i've decided to blog surf. - Urban Male Bitch. I think he's in Thailand at the moment, where I am about to go to next week. Goody.

Remember to go Booze for Jimmy Walkers at S$56. WOW.

A friend SMSed:
Remember your passports,
Inform mindef,
Bring enough cash,
Condoms I have,
Most Importantly,
Don't leave your dick behind.
See you guys at the airport tomorrow.

Then there's Silly Celle. I must she's pretty photogenic. But got look like Ah lian b4:). Interesting recent post about acne and differin gel. NO you don't die from ingesting differin gel (I think). Well, don't use it if you're afraid, use Retin-A instead.

I explained my situation and she came up with a verdict:
I have a hormonal imbalance!!!
Apparently, I have too much testosterone (bbahh.. not a surprise I guess).
(Does my testosterone explain my chor lo-ness?I am so manly..)

Pretty much the two blogs i had time for tonight. Feeling tired, still gotta go William's house tomorrow for Burnout and SQUASH! (the real kind, not the game).



Anonymous said...

There's a game called squash? I'm not even gonna ask. :D

lip said...

yes there is. it's played by people from a "premier junior college from the bishan amk area..."