Thursday, March 31, 2005

Random Rants

First off.

Michelle's blog at One very very green monster. Tada.

Secondly, Vietnam trip more of less confirmed. Sheesh. Finally coming true. Kinda looking forward to it. With all the cockups, the fun, the whores in Thailand (see, no touch), the wars in Vietnam and Cambodia, the poor children, the mosquitoes, the sweat, the Angkor Wat. We're all going to experience that soon. In exactly 12 days time.

Coming back on the 7th of May. I'll bring my Laptop there, I think. So I can pen down random rants.

And MOST OF ALL: RESULTS FOR UPENN ARE OUT IN 6 HOURS! 5 pm EST time. Online. I'll be awake at 5:50 am, clicking madly on the webpage and trying to get my results. That's how much it means to me. I really really really really really hope I can get Penn. Simply because it would be the best undergraduate business school in the world. And that contacts are made and lost at that school. Wish me luck.

If not, I'll just go Chicago, where the education is good too, with lots of Singaporeans. But I am always one who bucks the trend. I joined HCJC (not RJC), decided to go America to study (not Europe), didn't quit H.Chinese in RI, (even though my chinese HOD was bugging me to.). I love defiance.

and frankly, my battle with acne is still ongoing. I'm keeping an acne journal, going to skin doctor tomorrow. Finally decided to do something worthwhile about it. Maybe I'll go for dermabrasion, but currently, just going on the Regimen as stated in Hopefully, my skin will improve before I go overseas. Ask me anything about acne, I'm now an expert.

and really, to all sufferers out there, don't ignore it like it'll go away. It won't. Recognise the problem and get an solution dammit. I use Benzoyl Peroxide and Salicylic acid (2.5% and 2%) respectively, along with topical Clindamycin Phosphate (Diacin T). I'll ask for oral antibiotics from the derm tomorrow, after all it did help back in J2.

Well, my acne history started when I was in J2. During the A levels to be exact. Before that, Neutrogena Acne Wash was my cleanser of choice, and it worked well for 2 years. Then A levels, happened, I got stressed, and a bomb exploded. haha. I switch to Biore. BAD MOVE. It got worst. Finally went Derm during BMT days, but discountinued during OCS. With all the camou and dirt and sand, well my skin could never be good. But now, after ORD, THAT'S IT! MY BATTLE AGAINST P.ACNES SHALL SEE ME VICTORIOUS!

haha. I can joke about it, but really, it does affect your confidence. I knew I was in trouble when my usually high ego took a battering. Oh well.

6 more hours to go. I shall sleep, and then wake up to good news. I hope. I've been dreaming about it for the past few nights. Never had a good sleep. See, that's how much getting into Penn means to me.


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