Thursday, October 27, 2005

Why I blog the way I do.


1) The people who read this are those who truly give a shit. If you don't give two hoots and want to read it to garner (negative) information that you can use against me, well i'm not affected by what you think:)

2) I blog because I am. It's a outlet for thoughts. And frankly, I don't care what you think. It's mine! muhahaha... (copyrighted)

3) My roommate's in his underwear and playing loud country-type music (he'll argue if I call it country music). So I blog.

4) Well, it's just me:)

P.S. No, I don't owe you dinner Shar. You lost the bet.
P.P.S and I don't owe you four seasons Hanxue:) hehe. next time, sign a contract!. BECAUSE I DID NOT PUKE! haha. (or at least I can't remember)



Anonymous said...

Hi mentee,

I doesn't matter you remember or not. you puked on our floor and you own us 4 seasons. :D

with that, you will probably gain unlimited access to regents #910 for dinners and hang-over nights. jjj

I would say it is a good bet for you.

Your mentor.

Anonymous said...

i give a shit.

sunshine gal said...

NO i did not lose the bet! I'm happily SINGLE n AVAILABLE! U OWE ME DINNER!!! I dun care i dun care i dun care... Hmm... but i shall be nice to u... dun need to treat me Mezza9 lah... Pan pac? sounds good? heez...

lip said...

mezza 9 u went wif your ex lor:) hehe. maybe 4 seasons in chicago:) then i treat hx and gang to mezza9:)