Thursday, November 10, 2005

My Favourite Posts

I should have a template linking to my favourite quotes and posts. But here they are. In my journey of self-discovery, I have realised that I am not perfect, that I am flawed. Christians turn to God to patch up their flaws, and in some way, maybe I do look to a higher being. But I firmly believe my destiny is my own hands, to do as I wish with it. Here are some of my more lucid moments and posts.



well, valentines day is coming soon. hehe. just 2 days away actually. and i'm all alone. all those singles, care for a KTV break come monday:)? to sing away the blues and whine away? heh. well, i read somewhere: marry the one who loves you more than you love him/her. at least you won't get hurt that way. cynical, but very true.


1/28/2005: Less Thought About Post

sometimes i look at the situation i am in. i really am such a klutz around girls:) i am not a sweet talker, i am not someone who is forthright with feelings. i tend to be objective, rational and sincere in dealings with people, or rather, i am trying to be objective rational and sincere. perhaps the best compliment paid to me thus far is not for my talents, but rather, for my effort in overcoming my main weakness: arrogance and complacency. i need to work towards a more humble self, to overcome my short comings, to be sincere in relationships. i guess i really am extroverted after all...



sometimes i wonder where that someone i can talk to without fear of hiding behind a mask is. i realised in 20 years, a lot can happen. sometimes, everyone should take up their photo albums, their diaries and re read what they had in mind last you believe in soul mates? do you really? or is everyone just caught up in their veneer of outward happiness and inward sorrows?

sometimes i really hate being gep. causes you to overanalyze things. and lose the ones you love. or loved.

wishing everyone a happy new year.


"When Conscience governs Vision, Discipline and Passion, You get a Gandhi. When Ego governs Vision, Discipline and Passion, You get a Hitler..."

Vision, Discipline and Passion. To be truly great, one needs a combination of all three, governed by conscience and ya your beliefs and morals. You also need humility, something i am in short supply of. you need to put the needs of others above your own.. oh well read shar's blog today. insecurity... hmmmm.. is it good to be insecure? actually, we all are, i just choose to ignore it. after all, only the exhibition and externalising of insecurities can anyone truly tell you are insecure... we are all human, and to be great, you have to let others know you are not the super CEO or the superman or super president we all come to expect. you are human. as human as those who died in the tsunami. as human as the guy next to you at the traffic jam...

there is a price to pay for success. i really have been paying very little for mine.. i truly am blessed, and i recognise that.. others with much more success have paid much much more. is it not true that our PM is only human? to lose a wife and to have an abnormal kid, doesn't it cut him as deeply as the rest of us?

the sooner we realise we are all similar can the world improve on its disposition. i paid prices, sacrifices and had many breaks in life. i hope to be generous, to bring joy to other people.

i don't know. maybe our younger generation is more open to such things, but even i am feeling the pressures of being the first grandson in a traditional chinese family.

i remember my grandmother bringing me downstairs when i was staying in laguna park, burning incense and paper "nuggets" for my ancestors. i took it up with gusto back then. folding, burning with glee. i was only 7.

and then i remember my grandfather is hospital, saved from a heart attack, the episode leaving him far weakened than ever before, and with much less mobility. he can still walk, thank god.

i don't know. why can't the younger generation make decisions entirely our own, for we have our families to answer to, and subsequently, our future wives and husbands and families to be. that we must do our best now for a better future tomorrow?

but then again, i am not one to worry about such intrigues. Que Sera Sera

Once again i have failed to blog happy post that makes people laugh, but rather a serious post that is a total counterbalance to my happy side that i prefer to show people. how ironic. but those who know me, know that i have always been deep.


Isn't it better to write about your feelings then to vent them out on those who care about you the most?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah i like these entries too...