Sunday, November 27, 2005

Thanks Wenliang

Sometimes I really miss Singapore. And today is one of those days that I do.

Thank you Wenliang, for being honest and a GREAT colleague and even better friend in the army.

I had some spare time at hand to read lip's blog after my physics revision. If there is one guy who lives life to the fullest, lets agree that lip fits the bill. I have to admit that this guy is really a brilliant guy even though i thought he was arrogant at first. Yet, 1 year with him in 39SCE proved to show otherwise. Hmm..maybe this points to the fact that one needs to know someone in depth before judging a person. His versatility is something that i admire. Really talented guy i will say.

Anyway, lip, if ya happened to view my blog, all the best to you in Chicago and make sure ya scrimp and save more. Your lavish lifestyle is not too healthy man.haha..stop being a gadget whiz....haha...

After all the praising, moral of the story is not to judge a person by first impression. Before you condemn a person, one should ensure that he knows the person inside out.Well cos first impression are normally deviant from the actual fact itself. Thats right.

-Wenliang's blog

That is so true. First impressions don't count. I am a player. *WRONG*. I drink a lot. *WRONG*. I am arrogant. *WRONG*. Actually I can be, but I rather not be.

I guess being in Chicago with all my friends from olde times has really shown me how much I have changed over the years. Introspectively, I know I have gotten a lot less arrogant, but whether putting it down in words is just going to be viewed as self-praise/self-indulgence is up to the reader. I know I have changed. I know I have grown up.

I used to drive my parents crazy with my antics and my stubborness and rebelliousness. Now I know I am wrong. I used to bully my sister. Now I know I am wrong. I used to hurt the ones closest to me, manipulate them and look down on people. I know I am wrong.

Because everyone is unique. Everyone deserves respect (except for THAT ONE GUY), every deserves a chance to prove himself or herself. I have formed opinions on people in Chicago, I have made choices. Sometimes, perhaps I am too judgemental, but then again, I'd like to be forgiving and give chances. I'd like to be a better person.

And yes, I know I have to spend less. hehe. Now, THAT'S going to be hard to accomplish:)

And once again, I cannot say this enough, but I really appreciate everyone who has touched my life in one way or another over the past 21 years. I used to have a gauge of success - How much money you earn. Now, I'd like to think of how success you are by how many people show up at your funeral when you die, and how many of them are there and CELEBRATE your life.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

thumbs up :)