Friday, May 13, 2005


This is seriously getting to me.

I mean, everyone has a God damn blog nowadays. It's like, i could just walk up to a TOTAL stranger, know how she looks like, know where she lives, know her friends, know her hp number, know her course of study in which school, and tell her about her day.

That's what blogging has made the world today.

I was blog surfing today. Yes, and then i just surfed. I went through friends of friends, friends that i had known before at one point, friends that knew me that i didn't know, and lots and lots of acquaintances.

The thing struck me.

We that are going overseas and had been to NS, we're missing out on a lot in life.

Yes. Our contacts in the future will be world wide, our networks will be global. We will not have the networking in Singapore, our home country and where out friends are.

So how can we be the priviledge in society?

I mean i went to meet up with my army friends today. Or so i thought. And out of 19 people, like 7 were from the army. The rest were friends of friends of friends who met up at one point or another and became friends, whether volleyball friends, girlfriends, boyfriends, fuck partners or whatever.

My point is, in 4 years time, who would I know in Singapore?

Would i even feel that i belong in Singapore anymore?

Who are those people whom i care about who would anchor me to Singapore? Will my friends be Singaporeans? Will i be able to meet them after work for a light chat. a drink. a game of bowling.

or will i sit at my computer, devoid of any human interaction? and type in pictures, words and emoticons to convey my feelings to another human being who might not even feel that i'm worth talking to!

Blogs are disturbingly global, and they are disturbing. Privacy VS connectivity. Which is more important to you? And why are we feeling so much more lonely nowadays, even with the massive leap in communications technology?

In improving our ways to communicate, we have lost our human ability to communicate. that's what i feel.

Suddenly i feel like running away from it all, never to come back to Singapore again.

are my friends those on MSN? or those i meet? or those who read my blog?


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