Wednesday, November 30, 2005

More explanations about meltdown last night

So.. I had a meltdown last night. Tuesday night, 29th November.

So what happened?

First thing in the morning, i sent my car to the mechanic expecting a favourable reply - i.e. no major problems.

10:30 called back. Hi Mr Lee? Looks like you've got a real problem here. Your transmission seems to have been tampered with. I am saying that someone tampered with the transmission so that it could be driven enough just to sell it.

I was like.. Wtf.

So car down. Later events of the day? Called dealer, screamed at them, emailed my international advisor, called dad. Dad went berserk. Said I got ripped off. Okay. So I did. It'll cost me $1.7k for repairs. Ok. I shall treat it as a lessons learnt and go to the Better Business Bureau to see how much I can claim back.

But that shall be after finals. I need to send an email stating my dispute to Luxury Motors. Wtf.

Then, before that, My computer crashed.

yay. Half a paper gone. All my pictures gone. Okay... Nvm. I shall use friend's computer. I am cool. I am not going to freak out.

And yesterday, Huiying said my homework was not handed in. No wonder I don't have a mark. And Mike is relying on my homework as well.


So i thought and thought and thought. Then over dinner, Dad called. Lambasted me. Whatever. Find attorney. Okay. See what I can do. okay.

Hello dad? Finals next week.

Nvm. I shall just heck it, pay money and treat it as lesson learnt.

I shall not trust people to hand up homework for me.

I shall back up all my important stuff on my external hard drive.

I shall not get anymore alcohol in dorm.

I shall not lie in the corridor on Max East and scream random stuff to people passing.

Now, people look at me funny. haha. They ask if I'm fine. Yes I am.

And I just got an order for $80 worth of alcohol for friday from friends:) hehe. I feel *loved*.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey dude, chill. everything wil straighten out. we stil love lip :)