Saturday, April 08, 2006

Beauty World II

And so the journey draws to a close.

Amazing how 22 weeks of full on rehearsals, etc. etc. can do to you. Theatre must be one of the least rewarding experiences ever. You slog for months, just for 1 show, which determines how people view you. And one show is all it takes to judge.

I haven't hung out with my house/roommates/anyone for the past 2 weeks. It's sad, Julia just asked me to go drink beer, but then, I have work tomorrow morning, and probably a full day of rehearsal, after which I have to settle my car, and after which I have to do all my homework for next week, so that I can spare time for rehearsals.

Nevertheless, it's been a fun experience. Managed to grow with the cast, get to know everyone a little bit better. Really, it's amazing how an experience like this can pull everyone closer together. All the stuff people have put in, from the director to the props, to the singers... Well, it's a thankless job, where we are paid with bouquets of flowers and probably a few late problem sessions, rushed BA theses, late nights, the list goes on. Even Parisians are affected, while drinking wine at the Eiffel Tower:)

Anyway, kudos to everyone. I guess we all forget the people who rush to Potbelly to get food for us, and in the process get their car towed. We forget the bubble tea getter. We forget the props guys, who scour chicago for the cheapest props. We forget the costume girls, who spent nights designing and days buying costumes. We forget even the drivers, and the unexpected discoverers of costume shops:), through a late night rendezvous which turned out to matter so much in his own life.

So the journey is ending. And another journey will start soon, hopefully. And this journey that we travel together is filled with distances, potholes, 59:59 conversations, time zones, societal and peer scrutiny.

I haven't travelled the road for a long time now, and I've forgetten the flowers by the windows, the trees that bloom by the roadside, the midnight suppers, the steamboat dinners, the walks in the moonlight, the music that I hear.

Sometimes, the roads we travel end up wrong, and we retract, and travel another road. But our destination remains the same: to find happiness, to find soulmates, to find people who care. In the end, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Cherish the good, forget the bad. That is the journey of Beauty World, and of life.

Postsecret of the day:

Stop seeing the wall, and see the people who are reaching out. The wall is just one obstacle. Many more are coming.

I've made my decision.


A post I made a few months ago. About my sidebar and why it says: "memories of the past, illusions of the present, hope for the future".

It really says all I need to say


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